We do all that we can to make information available to as many people as possible. That's why we were very excited to find that Global Child Dental Fund in London, England has downloadable booklets that address important childhood oral health topics in many different languages.
The oral health booklets were developed in collaboration with leading senior dental professionals who wanted to help new moms care for their baby's teeth beginning at pregnancy and continuing through childhood. Topics that are covered in the booklets include oral health and pregnancy, oral health and your baby and oral health and your child.
Oral Health and Your Pregnancy talks about:
Oral Health and Your Baby covers:
Oral Health and Your Child highlights:
The booklets are available in Arabic, Chinese, Spanish, Haitian, Khmer, Kurdish, Thai, Turkish, and Portuguese.
These are fantastic and very rare resources and we are happy to see the booklets translated into so many different languages.
Share them today!