Teeth First! Teeth First!

November 2014

Los padres dicen: "Mis niños se olvidan de cepillarse los dientes"

Según una reciente encuesta presentada por el Ad Council nacional, un 75% de los padres entrevistados dijeron que sus niños con frecuencia o algunas veces se olvidan de cepillarse los dientes.

Esto es algo que preocupa, porque más de 51 millones de horas de escuela se pierden debido a problemas dentales que se podrían prevenir con una buena atención dental en casa.  ¡Ningún niño necesita tener una carie o dolor en la boca!

¿Qué ocurre?

Parents Say: "My Kids Forget to Brush Their Teeth"

According to a recent survey released by the national Ad Council, 75% of the parents surveyed said that their children either sometimes or frequently forget to brush their teeth.

This is very concerning, since  more than 51 million school hours are missed due to dental-related issues that could be prevented with good tooth care at home. No child needs to have a cavity or pain in their mouth!

What's happening?

Preventing Early Childhood Caries: Learning from New York State’s ECC Simulation Model

Written by: Melitzi Torres

A new Policy Brief by the Children’s Dental Health Project (CDHP) describes several efforts that New York State has enacted to prevent and manage early childhood caries (or ECC, which is tooth decay in children from birth through age five).

TeethFirst! Creating healthy smiles for a lifetime.