Teeth First! Teeth First!

Children's Dental Health Month - TeethFirst! & RI child care providers

In celebration of Children’s Dental Health Month, TeethFirst! conducted an outreach campaign through child care providers in Rhode Island, to help us reach children under age five and their families.

Child care providers are a trusted source of information for families, and place where many children spend a good part of their day, and we believe it will help encourage early dental visits and build good habits for healthy teeth.

Each child care provider received: 

  • A letter about TeethFirst!
  • A lesson plan for preschoolers about healthy teeth
  • Activity sheets - one about daily toothbrushing and one about healthy nutrition for teeth
  • TeethFirst! Kits – Child care providers were asked to provide each child and their family with a clear plastic pouch containing: a postcard about TeethFirst!, a TeethFirst! brochure on early dental visits, and a TeethFirst! infant/toddler-sized toothbrush for their child. 

We sent out approximately 21,500 of these kits through 900 child care providers (centers and home-based child care providers). 

All of the materials can be found on a new special page for Child Care Providers via our Community Organizations page here on our website.

Please see our TeethFirst! Facebook page for more photos of the massive stuffing and mailing operation, as well as happy and healthy smiles of child care providers and children receiving them!


TeethFirst! Creating healthy smiles for a lifetime.