Teeth First! Teeth First!

Tooth Talk

Are Pacifiers Good For Baby's Mouth?

Paci, Binky, Nukie. Whatever cute name you and your child may have for it, chances are that a pacifier will be a part of every child's life at some point. Many parents and caregivers wonder if pacifiers can cause problems for baby's developing teeth and mouth. Today, TeethFirst! weighs in on this topic.

Why do babies use pacifiers?

Strategies for Parents to Prepare Children for Dental Visits

This blog posting is excerpted from the National Center on Health's Brush Up on Oral Health monthly e-newsletter.

What young children hear about the dentist affects their idea of what upcoming visits will be like. When children hear others talk negatively of the dentist, they may feel afraid of visiting the dentist or dental hygienist. Here are some tips to make sure your child has a happy first dental visit:

Atención dental gratuita para ciudadanos de Rhode Island – La Misión de la Misericordia de Rhode Island se realizará entre el 31 de mayo y el 1.° de junio de 2014

Written by: Deborah Fuller, DMD, MS

Las visitas con regularidad al dentista ofrecen la oportunidad de lograr el diagnóstico temprano, la prevención y el tratamiento de enfermedades orales en personas de todas las edades. Lamentablemente, no todos tienen la oportunidad de consultar a un dentista, sea por falta de seguro dental, la posibilidad de pedir tiempo libre en el trabajo o simplemente no entender que una boca saludable es importante para un cuerpo saludable. 

Free Dental Care for Rhode Islanders - Rhode Island Mission of Mercy to Be Held on May 31-June 1, 2014

Written by: Deborah Fuller, DMD, MS

Regular dental visits provide a chance for early diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of oral diseases for people of all ages. Unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to see a dentist, whether it’s because of a lack of dental insurance, the ability to time off from work, or simply not understanding that a healthy mouth is important to a healthy body. 

Oral health literacy: 3 key questions to ask

This guest blog post was authored by Jennifer S. Holtzman, D.D.S., Assistant Researcher at UCLA's School of Dentistry, Public Health and Community Dentistry Division. This blog post was written for the Children's Dental Health Project blog: Teeth Matter and is shared with permission.

Free In-office Lunch and Learn Provided By From the First Tooth

Oral health is integral to a child’s overall health and well-being and physicians have the rare opportunity to provide a major line of defense against future oral disease. Although it is recommended that a child’s first dental visit occur at the eruption of the first tooth and no later than 12 months of age, most parents do not know this or do not have a relationship with a dentist who will see a child that young.  Due to these barriers, a child’s primary care provider is often the first clinician to examine a child’s mouth. 

Crear hábitos saludables de cepillado: Consejos de una higienista dental

Written by: Cynthia Johnson CDA, RDH, BS, MA

Crear hábitos saludables de cepillado: Consejos de una higienista dental

“¡Es hora de cepillarte los dientes!”  Esta rutina diaria puede ser divertida y problemática al mismo tiempo.

 Muchos padres y personas que cuidan a niños saben lo difícil que es lograr que los niños se cepillen los dientes. ¡Estas son algunas maneras que puede usar para hacer que cepillarse y usar el hilo dental diariamente sea un hábito simple y divertido!


TeethFirst! Creating healthy smiles for a lifetime.